Tetrapot Zahnbürstenhalterung

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Keep your toothbrush looking good.

Toothbrush hygiene can be so easy—if you turn it upside down.


Tetrapot rids your bathroom of an unsightly nuisance with an ingenious twist: it holds the toothbrush upside down and attaches itself to any container. Liquid does not run down the handle after brushing. The toothbrush and charger remain free of residue.

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in plain view

How innovative ideas come about is a mystery.
Yet the source of their inspiration rarely remains hidden from a keen observer.
Thanks to the Tetrapod's fascinating geometry, the right balance between form and function was discovered.

Wie innovative Ideen entstehen ist unergründlich. Wodurch sie inspiriert sind, bleibt dem geneigten Beobachter selten verborgen.

Um die richtige Balance zwischen Form und Funktion zu finden, wurde ein Tetrapod durch seine faszinierende Geometrie für die Formfindung maßgeblich.

The inventor

Ever since Ducktales, I’ve wanted to invent something.

How many women dream of turning their ideas into reality is unclear, but only one in about 200,000 German women per year can call herself an independent inventor.

Driven by relentless motivation to make the world a little better through good design.


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Thank you for your interest in tetrapot!

Just a few more details and soon a tetrapot in your bathroom could make brushing your teeth more fun.

Vision: Impact!

This product reflects your company’s brand concept? It can be licensed! 

tetrapot including a charging function is protected by a patent granted by the DPMA. 


An international application has been registered with the EPMA.